Day 16



The planet is our playground! As we ride through the valleys, our vision of the world is gradually changing. It seems like the world is one of  great opportunities, and it is our chance to make the most of it.

While our ordinary lives are replaced by an outdoors lifestyle, we are enjoying the alternation. Swimming in waterfalls, cycling between mountains, meeting new people and sleeping under stars remind us everyday how lucky we are to be here. This trip also calls our attention to the importance to protect this fragile environment.

Yestderday we rode 100km in one afternoon to make the next town, Taumarunui. We met some local teenagers with whom we hung out with for the evening. They seemed very intrigued by our idea of "holidays" and had a giggle when we explained we are having fun just living day by day. Once again, we went to sleep with a smile on our faces. We are lovin' it!

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    Shaya & Jeremy

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